Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Note

lundi 20 f?vrier 2012 ? 7H46

Une question de go?t


Prix: 199,99$ avec entente de trois ans.

Note: 4.0

Certains t?l?phones sont con?us pour plaire ? tout le monde. Le Samsung Galaxy n'est pas, mais alors vraiment pas, dans cette cat?gorie.

Voici ma pr?sentation vid?o de l'appareil :

Design et caract?ristiques
Le Samsung Galaxy Note est le t?l?phone intelligent le plus grand sur le march?, gr?ce ? son ?cran de 5,3 pouces. Cet ?cran n'est toutefois pas seulement gros, il est aussi bon, puisqu'il offre la technologie Super AMOLED et une r?solution de 1280 par 800 pixels.

Parmi les autres caract?ristiques de l'appareil, notons qu'il est ?quip? d'un processeur double c?ur Qualcomm Snapdragon S3 cadenc? ? 1,5 GHz (les op?rateurs annoncent 1,4 GHz, mais celui-ci roule bien ? 1,5 GHz, d'apr?s les diff?rents tests effectu?s), d'un Go de m?moire RAM, d'une connectivit? LTE, d'un appareil photo num?rique arri?re de 8 m?gapixels, d'un appareil photo num?rique avant de 2 m?gapixels, d'une m?moire interne de 16 Go (extensible via une carte microSD) et d'un stylet int?gr?.

Le Stylet est un stylet relativement ?volu?, qui est capable d'enregistrer 256 points de pression, ce qui permet d'effectuer des dessins quand m?me tr?s r?ussis lorsqu'on a un minimum de talent.

Celui-ci est aussi ?quip? d'un bouton, qui peut notamment servir pour effacer, ou encore pour effectuer une capture d'?cran.

Contrairement aux appareils de HTC, le stylet du Samsung Galaxy Note s'int?gre directement dans le boitier de l'appareil, et il est offert gratuitement.

?videmment le t?l?phone est surtout con?u pour un usage avec les doigts, le stylet est donc optionnel, et rien ne force l'utilisateur ? s'en servir.

C?t? dimensions, celui-ci offre une taille de 146.85 x 82.95 x 9.65 mm et un poids correct de 178 grammes.

Quelques r?flexions sur la taille
Le Samsung Galaxy Note est grand. Tr?s grand. Trop grand? Cela d?pend de l'utilisateur.

Dans tous les cas, il s'agit d'un appareil tr?s difficile ? tenir d'une seule main, qui rentre difficilement dans une poche et qui a l'air plut?t ridicule lorsqu'on l'utilise comme un t?l?phone.

Plusieurs arr?teront leur r?flexion l?, et on ne peut leur en vouloir.

Ceci dit, force est de reconna?tre que la taille offre aussi plusieurs avantages, surtout pour ceux qui utilisent principalement les fonctions intelligentes de leur appareil.

? cause de sa taille qui se rapproche de celle des tablettes, le Samsung Galaxy Note est par exemple le t?l?phone le plus int?ressant pour naviguer sur le Web, pour utiliser comme un navigateur GPS, pour prendre des notes (gr?ce ? la taille, mais aussi au stylet), pour regarder des vid?os et, bien s?r, pour jouer ? des jeux vid?o.

Performances et autonomie
Le Samsung Galaxy Note offre des caract?ristiques relativement haut de gamme, qui seront toutefois bient?t rattrap?es avec l'arriv?e des t?l?phones de nouvelle g?n?ration au d?but 2012.

Celui-ci est quand m?me tout ? fait fluide et agr?able ? utiliser, m?me si la taille de son ?cran lui offre un d?savantage consid?rable dans les benchmarks (environ 2200 au benchmark Quadrant, et 6200 avec AnTuTu).

Ses vitesses de transfert sont toutefois excellentes. ? Montr?al, sur le r?seau LTE de Rogers, j'obtenais g?n?ralement entre 10 000 et 20 000 kbit/s en t?l?chargement, et environ 10 000 kbit/s en t?l?versement.

Ses appareils photo num?riques sont corrects, mais il est bon de noter que le flash du Samsung Galaxy Note est beaucoup trop puissant, et qu'il est carr?ment d?sagr?able lorsque l'on photographie des gens en basse luminosit?.

Son autonomie est pour sa part l?g?rement inf?rieure ? la moyenne des t?l?phones Android. Sa grande pile de 2500 mAh est suffisante pour passer au travers d'une journ?e r?guli?re, mais celui-ci risque fort d'?tre compl?tement vid? le lendemain matin si vous oubliez de le brancher pendant la nuit.

Une seconde pile pourrait probablement ?tre ? consid?rer pour les gros utilisateurs.

Syst?me d'exploitation
Le Samsung Galaxy Note est ?quip? d'Android 2.3, mais il devrait ?tre mis ? jour vers Android 4.0 au cours de la premi?re moiti? de 2012.

Consid?rant qu'ICS est con?u pour offrir une interface unique aux tablettes et aux t?l?phones intelligents, le Samsung Galaxy Note devrait particuli?rement b?n?ficier de cette mise ? jour. En fait, on regrette qu'il n'y soit pas d?j?.

L'appareil est aussi ?quip? de l'interface TouchWiz de Samsung. Parmi les particularit?s int?ressantes, on peut soulever S M?mo, une application de prise de note compatible avec le stylet du t?l?phone et Polaris Office, comme c'est souvent le cas avec les t?l?phones Samsung.

Le Samsung Galaxy Note est offert au Canada chez Bell, Rogers et Telus pour 199,99$.

En r?sum?
Le Samsung Galaxy Note n'est pas un t?l?phone pour tout le monde. L'appareil peut quand m?me repr?senter un excellent achat, selon que vous consid?riez sa taille comme un avantage ou un inconv?nient.

On aime:

Bonnes performances, bonne taille pour les jeux, les vid?os, le Web et le navigateur GPS.

On aime moins:

Taille probl?matique pour le transport (surtout dans les poches) et pour t?l?phoner. Android 2.3 seulement pour l?instant.



- Syst?me d?exploitation Android 2.3.
- Processeur Qualcomm bicoeur de 1,5 GHz.
- ?cran Super AMOLED de 5,3 pouces avec r?solution 1280 par 800 pixels.
- APN arri?re de 8 m?gapixels avec flash DEL et APN avant 2 m?gapixels.
- Capacit? interne de 16 Go.
- 1 Go de RAM.
- Connectivit? LTE (jusqu?? 75 Mbit/s).

Pour de plus amples information sur le produit:


par Maxime Johnson

Source: http://www.branchez-vous.com/techno/tests/samsung_galaxy_note.html

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Obama's Algae Biofuel Proposal Could Be His 'Lunar Base' Moment (ContributorNetwork)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]ContributorNetwork - COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama's suggestion that the solution to America's energy woes can be found in algae might well be his "lunar base" moment. Like Newt Gingrich's lunar base, algae derived biofuel is something well founded in science that is a target for ridicule.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20120226/us_ac/11014860_obamas_algae_biofuel_proposal_could_be_his_lunar_base_moment

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Arab Spring Comes to Israel (Robert Wright, The Atlantic)

Today a young Palestinian I know was arrested at a West Bank demonstration, put in a prison near Ramallah, and--according to preliminary reports by
Palestinian activists on Twitter--charged with pushing an Israeli soldier. The trouble is that there's pretty strong video evidence that pushing a
soldier isn't what he was in fact arrested for. He seems to have been arrested for speaking--and, yes, gesticulating animatedly as he spoke, perhaps in
a manner that Israeli soldiers found threatening or otherwise excessive.

But judge for yourself: The arrest is at the 3:29 mark on this Facebook video. (The orange stuff on his face is the pepper spray applied as he's first being subdued, shortly before the soldier shoves his abdomen into the rear bumper of the police vehicle.)

Fadi Quran is a remarkable guy. He grew up in the West Bank, graduated from Stanford with a double major in physics and international relations, and then returned to the West Bank. He works in the alternative energy field, and his avocation is nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation. Here's a snippet of a conversation I had with him a few months ago, in which he contends that nonviolent resistance can ultimately succeed, even if it seems to face daunting odds now. Below the video player are some thoughts on the significance of his arrest.

Fadi's arrest is a reminder of how two key ingredients of the Arab Spring--digital media and nonviolent protest--can complicate life for authorities. The reason his arrest is well documented is digital video, and the reason you're reading about his story here is Twitter.

The upshot is that more and more people outside of Israel are going to become aware that for 45 years Israel has been ruling a people who don't have basic political rights--like the right to due process (Fadi could in theory spend months in jail with no charges filed) or the right to vote for or against the government that ultimately controls their fate, even though that government is part of a democratic state.

I don't think it has been the intention of Israelis to sustain this horrible situation. In principle, most would like a two-state solution. But the traditional Israeli narrative--that the absence of a solution is the fault of the Palestinians, so they'll have to live with it--is going to run into trouble if people like Fadi Quran have their way. Demonstrators seeking basic rights have an easier time gaining international sympathy than suicide bombers seeking vengeance.

I'll close with another clip from my conversation with Fadi, in which he explains why his family so often lacks running water. This is a story Palestinians couldn't easily convey to Americans before the digital revolution. Now they can.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/imeu/~3/9lk6fLzwA0w/

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Could free-floating 'nomad' planets carry seeds of life in the universe?

A 'nomad' planet of the right mass, with the right atmosphere, and some source of heat ? perhaps radioactive decay or tectonic activity ? could allow for life either on the surface or underground.

Imagine a planet where the night sky is all you have, any time, anywhere you go ? where the phrase ?day job? has no meaning.

Skip to next paragraph

The Milky Way may hold a vast number of such sunless planets ? perhaps up to 100,000 times more than all the stars in the galaxy, according to a new estimate from researchers in the United States and Britain.

Since 1995, when hunting for planets outside the solar system grew from a fringe field to mainstream astronomy, researchers have uncovered as many as 760 extrasolar planets orbiting other stars ? as the Earth orbits the sun ? with more than 2,000 additional candidates awaiting confirmation.

The vast majority of these are planets in the classical sense ? meaning they orbit host stars, although often arrayed in unusual patterns compared with Earth's home system.

Since 2000, however, astronomers have discovered planets with no obvious stellar home. A group of Spanish astronomers reported that year discovering planets ranging from five to 15 times Jupiter's mass free floating?in a cluster of young stars in the constellation Orion. Last year, two groups of astronomers jointly announced the discovery of 10 Jupiter-class planets, the vast majority free of the grip of any host star. The results appeared last May in the journal Nature.

With evidence mounting that these planetary nomads are no observational fluke, ?we were interested in asking the question: Is this just the tip of the iceberg?? says Louis Strigari, a researcher at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., who led the team making the calculation.

?We were curious about how many of these types of objects could exist,? Dr. Strigari says. The team based its estimate on what researchers have gleaned about the amount of visible matter in the galaxy as well as the abundance of existing chemical elements heavier than hydrogen and helium ? the primordial elements from which the universe evolved following the big bang some 13.8 billion years ago. These heavier elements, forged in thermonuclear furnaces deep in the hearts of stars, provide the building blocks for the gases, ice, and rock that comprise planets.

The team's estimate covers planets with masses ranging from Pluto-like to planets with several times Jupiter's mass.

Stigari cautions that the calculation represents a rough cut at a maximum number of nomads. Too little information is known about these kinds of planets and their formation to allow for more-precise estimates. The estimate has been submitted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in Britain.

The ratio of nomads to stars ?is a staggering number, if true,? says Ray Jayawardhana, an astronomer at the University of Toronto who studies the evolution of planets.

?But we have no evidence at all from observations yet that anything close to that number is really out there,? he says. The most one can say from the detection of free-floating planets in clusters of young stars, which typically are several times Jupiter's mass is that the ratio of wanderers to stars is more like one to one, he adds.

But, he notes, the team's estimate also covers far smaller?free-floaters, including mass ranges for which there are yet no observed nomads.

Where do homeless planets come from?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/MJo7u5PmQxI/Could-free-floating-nomad-planets-carry-seeds-of-life-in-the-universe

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Friday, February 24, 2012

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Romney Campaign Doubles Down On Rick Santorum-Arlen Specter Connection (ABC News)

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Source: http://news.feedzilla.com/en_us/stories/politics/top-stories/204107428?client_source=feed&format=rss

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ancient rock art found in Brazil

Ancient rock art found in Brazil [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Feb-2012
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Contact: Yael Franco
Public Library of Science

Researchers have discovered an extremely old anthropomorphic figure engraved in rock in Brazil, according to a report published Feb. 22 in the open access journal PLoS ONE. The petroglyph, which dates to between 9,000 and 12,000 years old, is the oldest reliably dated instance of such rock art yet found in the Americas.

Art from this time period in the New World is quite rare, so little is known about the diversity of symbolic thinking of the early American settlers. The authors of this study, led by Walter Neves of the University of Sao Paulo, write that their findings suggest symbolic thought in South America was very diverse at that time, supporting the hypothesis that humans settled the New World relatively early."


Citation: Neves WA, Araujo AGM, Bernardo DV, Kipnis R, Feathers JK (2012) Rock Art at the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Eastern South America. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32228. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032228

Financial Disclosure: This research was funded by Sao Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP, grants 99/00670-7 and 04/01321-6, and by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq, grants 300818/07-6, 472535/07-2, 300339/08-9 and 300917/2010-4. www.fapesp.br. www.cnpq.br. The funders had no role in study design, data collections and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing Interest Statement: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

PLEASE LINK TO THE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE IN ONLINE VERSIONS OF YOUR REPORT (URL goes live after the embargo ends): http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032228

Disclaimer: This press release refers to upcoming articles in PLoS ONE. The releases have been provided by the article authors and/or journal staff. Any opinions expressed in these are the personal views of the contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of PLoS. PLoS expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liability in connection with the information found in the release and article and your use of such information.

About PLoS ONE

PLoS ONE is the first journal of primary research from all areas of science to employ a combination of peer review and post-publication rating and commenting, to maximize the impact of every report it publishes. PLoS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), the open-access publisher whose goal is to make the world's scientific and medical literature a public resource.

All works published in PLoS ONE are Open Access. Everything is immediately availableto read, download, redistribute, include in databases and otherwise usewithout cost to anyone, anywhere, subject only to the condition that the original authors and source are properly attributed. For more information about PLoS ONE relevant to journalists, bloggers and press officers, including details of our press release process and our embargo policy, see the everyONE blog at http://everyone.plos.org/media.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Ancient rock art found in Brazil [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Feb-2012
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Contact: Yael Franco
Public Library of Science

Researchers have discovered an extremely old anthropomorphic figure engraved in rock in Brazil, according to a report published Feb. 22 in the open access journal PLoS ONE. The petroglyph, which dates to between 9,000 and 12,000 years old, is the oldest reliably dated instance of such rock art yet found in the Americas.

Art from this time period in the New World is quite rare, so little is known about the diversity of symbolic thinking of the early American settlers. The authors of this study, led by Walter Neves of the University of Sao Paulo, write that their findings suggest symbolic thought in South America was very diverse at that time, supporting the hypothesis that humans settled the New World relatively early."


Citation: Neves WA, Araujo AGM, Bernardo DV, Kipnis R, Feathers JK (2012) Rock Art at the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in Eastern South America. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32228. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032228

Financial Disclosure: This research was funded by Sao Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP, grants 99/00670-7 and 04/01321-6, and by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq, grants 300818/07-6, 472535/07-2, 300339/08-9 and 300917/2010-4. www.fapesp.br. www.cnpq.br. The funders had no role in study design, data collections and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing Interest Statement: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

PLEASE LINK TO THE SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE IN ONLINE VERSIONS OF YOUR REPORT (URL goes live after the embargo ends): http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0032228

Disclaimer: This press release refers to upcoming articles in PLoS ONE. The releases have been provided by the article authors and/or journal staff. Any opinions expressed in these are the personal views of the contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of PLoS. PLoS expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liability in connection with the information found in the release and article and your use of such information.

About PLoS ONE

PLoS ONE is the first journal of primary research from all areas of science to employ a combination of peer review and post-publication rating and commenting, to maximize the impact of every report it publishes. PLoS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), the open-access publisher whose goal is to make the world's scientific and medical literature a public resource.

All works published in PLoS ONE are Open Access. Everything is immediately availableto read, download, redistribute, include in databases and otherwise usewithout cost to anyone, anywhere, subject only to the condition that the original authors and source are properly attributed. For more information about PLoS ONE relevant to journalists, bloggers and press officers, including details of our press release process and our embargo policy, see the everyONE blog at http://everyone.plos.org/media.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-02/plos-ara022112.php

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Comcast to launch Xfinity Streampix streaming video service, challenge Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon?

It was only a matter of time, right? The Wall Street Journal reports that Comcast is rolling out a VOD competitor for Amazon, Netflix and Hulu so it can grab a slice of the streaming video pie. Called Xfinity Streampix, it brings shows from NBC and ABC, along with movies from Sony Pictures and Warner Bros. Scheduled to launch this Thursday, the service will be rolled in for free with some existing cable packages and available on its own for $4.99 a month. For your five bucks, you get access to a back catalog of shows and movies on any internet-capable device, though, naturally we don't know exactly how much content will be available when it goes live. What we do know is that price point puts Streampix well beneath the $7.99 asking price of its competition, so here's hoping a VOD price war ensues.

Comcast to launch Xfinity Streampix streaming video service, challenge Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon? originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 21 Feb 2012 13:54:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink   |  sourceWall Street Journal  | Email this | Comments

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/MVErfFi3h4E/

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Video: Phillies won't rush Ryan Howard back

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Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/21134540/vp/46473790#46473790

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The Heartland Institute Sends Legal Notices to Publishers of Faked ...

From a Heartland media release:

FEBRUARY 19 ? The Heartland Institute has sent legal notices http://heartland.org/press-releases/2012/02/19/heartland-institute-sends-legal-notices-publishers-faked-and-stolen-docume? to numerous Web sites, blogs, and publications asking them to take down the stolen and forged documents and what it views as malicious and false commentary based on them.

The following statement by Heartland Institute President Joseph L. Bast may be used for attribution. For more information, contact Director of Communications Jim Lakely at jlakely ?at? heartland.org or 312-377-4000.


?We realize this will be portrayed by some as a heavy-handed threat to free speech. But the First Amendment doesn?t protect Internet fraud, and there is no right to defamatory speech.

?For 28 years, The Heartland Institute has engaged in fierce debates over a wide range of public policies ? school reform, health care, telecommunications policy, corporate subsidies, and government waste and fraud, as well as environmental policy. We frequently and happily engage in vigorous, robust debate with those who disagree with our views.

?We have resorted in the past to legal means only in a very few cases involving outright fraud and defamation. The current situation clearly fits that description, and our legal counsel has advised that the first step in defending ourselves should be to ask the blogs to take down the stolen and forged documents.?

Joseph L. Bast


The Heartland Institute

jbast?at? heartland.org



The Heartland Institute <http://www.heartland.org>? is a 28-year-old national nonprofit organization with offices in Chicago, Illinois and Washington, DC. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more information, visit our Web site http://www.heartland.org? or call 312/377-4000.


Here?s the letter being sent to some websites and bloggers, DeSmog Blog and Greg Laden of ScienceBlogs (already in legal trouble over the Tallbloke libel) both got copies.

February 18, 2012

By e-mail to: editor ?at? desmogblog.com

By Federal Express to:

Mr. Brendan G DeMelle


DeSmog Blog

[street address redacted]

Seattle, WA 98117-2303

Re:????? Stolen and Faked Heartland Documents


Dear Mr. DeMelle:

On or about February 14, 2012, your web site posted a document entitled ?Confidential Memo: 2012 Heartland Climate Strategy? (the ?Fake Memo?), which is fabricated and false.

On or about the same date, your web site posted certain other documents purporting to be those of The Heartland Institute (?Heartland?). Heartland has not authenticated these documents (the ?Alleged Heartland Documents?).

Your site thereafter has reported repeatedly on all of these documents.

Heartland almost immediately issued a statement disclosing the foregoing information, to which your web site has posted links.

It has come to our attention that all of these documents nevertheless remain on your site and you continue to report on their contents. Please be advised as follows:

1.???????? The Fake Memo document is just that: fake. It was not written by anyone associated with Heartland. It does not express Heartland?s goals, plans, or tactics. It contains several obvious and gross misstatements of fact. Publication of this falsified document is improper and unlawful.

2.???????? As to the Alleged Heartland Documents your web site posted, we are investigating how they came to be in your possession and whether they are authentic or have been altered or fabricated. Though third parties purport to have authenticated them, no one ? other than Heartland ? has the ability to do so. Several of the documents say on their face that they are confidential documents and all of them were taken from Heartland by improper and fraudulent means. Publication of any and all confidential or altered documents is improper and unlawful.

3.???????? Furthermore, Heartland views the malicious and fraudulent manner in which the documents were obtained and/or thereafter disseminated, as well as the repeated blogs about them, as providing the basis for civil actions against those who obtained and/or disseminated them and blogged about them. Heartland fully intends to pursue all possible actionable civil remedies to the fullest extent of the law.

Therefore, we respectfully demand: (1) that you remove both the Fake Memo and the Alleged Heartland Documents from your web site; (2) that you remove from your web site all posts that refer or relate in any manner to the Fake Memo and the Alleged Heartland Documents; (3) that you remove from your web site any and all quotations from the Fake Memo and the Alleged Heartland Documents; (4) that you publish retractions on your web site of prior postings; and (5) that you remove all such documents from your server.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Very truly yours,

Maureen Martin

General Counsel

original Heartland PDF is here: Tier One ? DeMelle

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rio Carnival revelers to twist, shout to Beatles

Performers from the Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel samba school parade during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Feb. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)

Performers from the Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel samba school parade during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Feb. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)

A dancer of Porto da Pedra samba school parades during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Feb. 20, 2012. Millions watched the sequin-clad samba dancers at Rio de Janeiro's iconic Carnival parade. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

Dancers of Mocidade samba school parade during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Feb. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

A dancer from Mocidade samba school parades during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Monday Feb. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

A dancer of Porto da Pedra samba school parades on a float during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday Feb. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

(AP) ? English speakers get their moment in the Carnival sun on Monday as a wild, Beatles-themed street party shakes it up, baby, with a samba swing to "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da."

"Sargento Pimenta," Portuguese for "Sergeant Pepper," is one of more than 400 raucous street parties that spring up throughout Rio de Janeiro during Carnival season. Hundreds of thousands of people turn out for the largest of the "blocos," packed, sweaty open-air dance parties where the crowd sings along to a repetitive medley of Carnival songs ? usually in Portuguese, of course.

As many as 850,000 tourists descend on Rio for the five-day-long Carnival free-for-all, and blocos offer plenty of nonverbal opportunities for fun: If drinking till you pass out doesn't suit your fancy, you might try racking up as many snogging partners as humanly possible during a single street party, a common Carnival game here.

But even with such tantalizing diversions, it must be acknowledged that singing along to the blasting music ? usually played live by a band atop a sound truck, with a cordoned-off percussion section trailing behind ? is at least half the fun.

Enter Sargento Pimenta, the brainchild of Gustavo Gitelman, a music lover and doctor by trade.

Gitelman quickly rounded up an enthusiastic group of Beatles aficionados ? so many, in fact that the Fab Four became more of a Fab 70 at the party's debut last year.

The group gives the Beatles repertoire a Brazilian tweak, adapting "All My Loving" to the peppy beat of a traditional Carnival "marchinha," or march, and infusing "Hard Day's Night" with a Rio funk sound. "I Want to Hold Your Hand" morphs into a samba. Even the melancholic "Hey Jude" is spiked with an infectious upbeat energy.

All the songs are sung in English, much to the delight of Anglophone visitors, many of whom can fully participate in the bloco experience for the first time.

The group's debut last year was so successful that the crowd was packed so tight it became something of a health hazard. It has moved to a more spacious location for Monday's show. Tens of thousands of costumed revelers are expected to flood the Flamengo Park, off of Rio's iconic Guanabara Bay, for the event.

Sargento Pimenta is not the sole offbeat bloco offering. There's also the "Blocao," an animal-themed street party where pet owners in shorts and flip-flops parade their cats and dogs, dressed up as pirates, princesses and cave-pets; and Paraty, a coastal colonial city south of Rio, is home to the "Bloco da Lama," or "Mud Bloco," where revelers tramp through, dive into and otherwise cover themselves in sticky mud.

And for those who like to take a less participative role in Carnival celebrations, Rio's iconic Sambadrome samba school competition moves into its second and final day on Monday night.

Nearly 100,000 paying spectactors turn out for the all-night spectacle, which includes troupes of samba dancers whose costumes consist largely of body glitter and oversized feathered wings, older women in pup tent-sized hoop skirts and giant floats covered in outlandish, oversized decoration. The parade starts shortly after sundown and doesn't finish till dawn, with the winner out of the 13 participating schools announced later in the week.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-02-20-LT-Brazil-Carnival/id-425e47af413346e3ba4cb5984d357b80

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Searching for Good Search engine marketing Companies Methods ...

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Source: http://www.coatsnews.us/searching-for-good-search-engine-marketing-companies-methods-for-online-marketing.html

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Are 6-pack Abs an Indication of a Healthy Body? | New Health and ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Yes, you have a six-pack abs ? a killer abs. But are you certain you are healthy? Naturally you can measure a person?s health from their outside appearance, but you will find a number of ways of determining how healthy you are apart from basing it on the midsection.

Weight, clearly, can help determine if someone is healthy or not. But weight might not be that reliable. Doctors use BMI or Body Mass Index to measure or judge a person?s size against weight. BMI is in fact a calculation of kilos/meter squared. A BMI from 18 to 25 is good. But an individual that?s very fit and muscular could acquire a BMI or even more than 25. This classifies them as overweight.

Body Mass Index is a useless indicator for individuals under 16. Rather than using height and weight ratio, what should be considered are the person?s age and the potential for growth. A good example would be if your child was gaining weight too rapidly for his or her age or if they weren?t achieving enough weight or growth.

Body shape can also be an indicator of good health. Doctors are looking at waist measurements because they know that ?apple-shape? people carry excess weight around their middle. These people can be at risk of obesity-related conditions such as heart disease. Be sure to measure your waistline. If your waistline is larger than 35 inches, you are at an increased risk of health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Paying attention to your waistline helps you to avoid unhealthy eating and increase mobility or exercise.

Another health indicator will be the skin. Freckles or moles which are odd formed or growing could indicate unhealthy skin. Tanning or exposure to the sun can age your skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. Use sun block and seek a dermatologist?s opinion about spots and moles.

When brushing your teeth, check your spit. If there?s blood, your gums may require attention. Bleeding gums indicate poor dental health and vitamin deficiencies. Gum disease can also be an indication of cardiovascular problems. Blood on the toothbrush or dental floss is among the earliest and most common signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis is avoidable and reversible. Gums will need to undergo a thorough elimination of plaque, improved daily dental hygiene practices, a good diet and nutritional supplements.

It is more than just bad breath. Gum problems can now be linked to heart disease, clogged arteries, stroke, premature birth, and diabetes. Women who have preterm deliveries have more severe gum conditions than with mothers with normal deliveries. People with gum disease and tooth decay are almost twice as likely to die of heart attacks and almost three times as likely to have a stroke.

Moreover, feel your lips. In case your lips are dry and chapped, it might mean that you are dehydrated, which is a poor condition for your body to be in. Dehydration may cause headaches and fatigue, as well as drain the moisture from your skin thus making it seem old and dry.

Take a look at finger nails. Healthy finger nails and foot nails are strong, colorless and should be smooth. If they?re yellowing, brittle, have ridges, crumbling and have white spots, then these are obvious signs that your nails aren?t healthy. Nail problems is an indicator of viral, yeast, fungal or yeast infection. This may also show abnormal levels of oxygen in the blood, kidney disease, thyroid disease or psoriasis and lack of nutrition or a vitamin deficiency.

You don?t need to rely on a six-pack abs, biceps or lats to express something about your health and other people?s health. There are different signs that you should never ignore.

If you want more tips about improving your abs visit our website about your Abs where you will discover more resources that will benefit you.

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Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/02/18/are-6-pack-abs-an-indication-of-a-healthy-body/

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ecommerce Websites and online shops | Walla Walla Brewers

Posted in by admin


E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce) is the term given to buying or selling products or services on electronic systems which are in networks like internet. E-Commerce has now grown into something more than just buying and selling now. Now you can do development, marketing, delivering and paying on the internet through e-commerce websites. With the growing usage of internet, e-commerce has spread extraordinarily.

It?s now possible to do electronic funds transfer, internet marketing, and online transaction processing through internet. It has revolutionized supply chain management, inventory data management, and data collection systems by bringing innovations through e-commerce websites. E-Commerce uses mostly World Wide Web (internet) as their medium, while email and mobile phones can also be used.

Most retailers have now setup their online shops and those retailers are knows as e-tailers. Online retail is called e-tail now. E-Commerce that happens between business parties is called business to business (B2B), while the one that happens between business and consumer is called business to consumer (B2C). Amazon company conducts their business in B2C?domain.

Online Shopping

Online Shopping is the term given to the process in which buyer directly buys goods from a seller using an online medium such as internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. Also called by other popular names like e-shop, e-store, online store website software, or a virtual store, an online shop evokes a physical analogy of browsing, comparing and buying products from a shopping center or a retail store.?

Types of product delivery

Once a deal is done and payment is made, products can be delivered in any of the following common ways
1) Downloading
This method is mainly used for digital products such as software files, movies, music, images, etc.
2) Drop shipping
Order is passed to third party distributor who will ship the items to consumer
3) In-Store Pickup
Customer places order and picks up products from the nearest store to his place.

Payment methods

1) Billing to mobile phones or even landlines is the most common method, for example ISP provider bills can directly add the Internet Bill in your Mobile Bill
2) Cash on delivery is another method used for home delivery through online shopping website.
3) Cheques are preferred by customers who are doing online jobs
4) Debit card for directly booking an air tickets or movie tickets
5) Wire transfer is another method for paying your employees for their services

Impact on Markets and Retailers

Many renowned economists says that e-commerce has triggered an intense price competition because it provides the consumers with the ability to gather and compare both feature and price information about different products. It has drastically affected the structure of major industries like travel and bookshops. Larger firms have used economics of sale and offered lower prices to consumer, which has led them to grow at the expense of smaller firms who doesn?t have the budget and scale to stand in the market now. However, there are some exceptions who are able to withstand this juggernaut like smallest category booksellers have just two or three employees.

Distribution Channels

Two major distribution channels adopted by companies are
1)Pure Click
Those companies which otherwise doesn?t have a physical store, but only a website to sell goods. Customer service is given a lot of importance
2) Brick and Click
Those companies who has both a physical store and have also launched a website (an online store) to do business through that website.

Source: http://www.wallawallabrewers.com/walla-walla-brewers/112

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Follow These Wonderful Ideas For Buying A Building! ? DS blog

If you buy a home, take into consideration what your lifestyle is going to be like in several or 10 years. You might not possess children at this stage in your life but if you intend to reside in the home that you will be buying now, you really should check out the universities in the region to make sure that they are going to do well for any potential future children you may have.Select which goals are essential when you find yourself less than negotiations for the real estate arrangement. Believe with the concerns that must be settled and firmly established what you need during these. Your convictions and goals will be ideal for prioritizing each and every aim. Select your battles wisely in particular scenarios it may not be feasible to possess every thing that you would like coming from a deal. When buying real estate property and doing a walk through of a household that you would like to consider, give yourself a very good 15 to half an hour to own a full inspection of any household. You'll notice distinct lines a very good vibe from the properties but do not possess the time to acquire a beneficial inspection plan a time that you could amble lower back through where lets you time to see the little particulars that you might have skipped. See Page When you are able to buy a home, getting a recognized real-estate agent is necessary. The BBB, or Greater Organization Bureau, is a great place so that you can acquire the information you need about your real estate property agent. You may also search the web. The simplest way to go is by using a resource from a reliable soul that you know. Prior to deciding to take a look at your home, you will be aware its asking price is but your offer you will typically be below the asking selling price. If the vendor is useful, it must be relatively easy to choose your final acquiring value that you're happy with.

To Learn More When buying a home, hire all of your current very own help individuals. You could possibly game with the idea of while using seller's appraiser and household inspector, but eventually tend not to choose to do this. No individual wishes to shell out funds after they don't should. However, it is vital that you know the individuals hired might be trustworthy to defend your welfare. Applying pros you have hired oneself is well worth the financial commitment, because you will be aware that you will be getting reputable details. Don't purchase a lot more home than you can afford. Just because you are approved for a certain amount of money does not mean you should take out the total fast loan. Take a hard look at your finances. Buying a residence is a long-saying commitment, it's also important to be sure that your employment and volume of take-home pay are steady. Considering even a reliable employment can become nonexistent, it is additionally a good idea to commence an urgent financial savings finance. Plan on keeping faraway in between flower garden and six months value of home loan payments and that means you don't eliminate your own home if boueux strikes. Writing is processed through Blog URL

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Source: http://www.nanods.com/follow-these-wonderful-ideas-for-buying-a-building/

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Friday, February 17, 2012

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - The number of Americans filing for new unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell to a near four-year low last week, suggesting the labor market recovery was quickening.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Computer Programming In 2012 To Make A Difference

Computer programming is a phrase that is bandied about quite heavily, but only few people actually understand its implications. The process of computer programming itself is difficult to understand for people who are not in the computer science field. Computer programming makes use of a code or a language: this language can be placed into several lines of code that can be translated to mean different things once they are processed as a program. For instance, the software that you use to calculate your taxes, or the software that you employ to make your simple web page are all products of skilful computer programming. Behind these software programs are scripts and codes, and these scripts and codes can mean different things.

For many different programming languages, a function can be important and can therefore be a key concept to learn when someone is interested in software and computer programming. A function can also be termed as a subroutine, procedure, or sub-query. How is a function important? For instance, if a company or institution has a library of many different programs, these programs can therefore consist of millions upon millions of lines of a source code. In the interests of time and space, you would like to keep from duplicating a certain source code in many different places.

Why is duplication so undesirable? If a source code is duplicated in many different places, it is being needlessly copied, and it can spell Hell for the programmer and troubleshooter when things go wrong down the line. If the source code is actually erroneous, the programmer or troubleshooter will have to correct the code in all the different places that it appears. If the source code has to be updated or improved in order to make the program either run faster or perform more operations, then the source code has to be modified, improved, and updated in all the places that it appears. And if the source code has to be removed and replaced with a new source code, then it has to be erased and replaced with the new code in every single place that it appears.

This is indeed time-consuming, and it can lead to more errors because of all the human intervention that has to be done. On the other hand, if there are functions that are built to handle all the different programs, then only one or a few changes need to be made should there be errors, or should the source code have to be updated, modified, improved, or changed. You can think of the function as an umbrella: it covers all of many different programs beneath it, so that you do not have to cover each program individually.

Having a single source code serving as the function is also advantageous when you have to introduce a new program that still makes use of that same source code. Because the source code is already available as an overall function or sub-program, you do not need to add the source code to the new program. You only need to find a way for the new program to interact with the source code itself.

These are only a few facts that you need to know about functions in computer programming. For more information, read up on the latest computer programs, how different programs can interact with each other using some umbrella or overall scripts, and how different programs can be improved when using functions.

Ultimately, computer programming is used to solve problems. Computer programming is sort of a misnomer. What we are really talking about is software development. A good software development company looks at the end user?s needs and develops a holistic system to meet the end result. What you will you get is computer programming to fulfill a specified requirement.

Thank you for reading our article. If you found this piece helpful check out our profile for more helpful software development related articles today!

Source: http://www.short-articles.net/computer-programming-in-2012-to-make-a-difference/

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Business Life Self Improvement-Shifting Your Thought Patterns ...

If you own a business, you are well aware that one of the constants are the problems you will face. What usually happens is an unexpected event that must be dealt with in a professional and calm manner. What is interesting to us is how much and easily people blatantly ignore their own personal issues. These private issues will actually affect every area of your life including your pursuit of success. In order to succeed, you need to realize that there is a connection between your job performance and how you feel. Always be aware that there is a tight connection between your personal life and the life that you have at work. You can realize incredible rewards if you take action by engaging in your own self improvement initiatives designed to directly impact your business.

We all learned about rejection as teenagers and it was crushing for most. Business people may find it hard to face, but they have to deal with rejection, maybe even everyday. It all depends on the type of business you are in. However, a low amount of sales compared to site visits is also rejection. In business rejection is completely normal so you should allow it. Basically you cannot let rejection interfere with you or your business. Rejection in business is not personal, so be sure to remember that and press forward. One very difficult aspect of learning to be successful in business is understanding how you feel about your decisions. In online marketing, most people find themselves on their own, so making decisions can be daunting. Believe in what you do and the decisions that you make every day. Accept the fact that sometimes you will make a wrong decision, but just learn move past it and keep going. Though you might find yourself having to start all over again, you will get through it. In time your comfort level will rise and give way to confidence.

If you are looking for an example of how ruthless and difficult online marketing can be, try PPC advertising at some point to see what we mean. You can also find the same level of competition for organic searches as people try to gain the top search position. This is a normal part of business, and you have to be willing to stay in the fight and outwit your competitors. As with any aspect of human nature, you need to toughen up in order to win in this particular segment of business and online marketing. By moving forward, with your head down ready to fight, you will persevere as these obstacles come your way. However, if you bow to the pressure, you will not achieve your dreams. Sure, there is a lot to digest regarding House Designs in today?s article, and we do always strive to over-deliver. We really had to pare down a lot of content to squeeze so much into this, but we are not done by any means. You may think something could not be directly applicable in your situation, but just be a little careful about overlooking anything. Eventually, you will discover that each little thing has its own part to play and contributes to the overall.

The best results will be from taking action on hard core facts, and then also seeing what can be done in other ways in a creative fashion. In the rest of our discussion, we will offer more information that will reinforce what you have already learned, and then you will be better equipped to understand. Try not to feel like you are going through information overload because, after all, this is stuff you can easily understand.

Choosing the do the hard work of self improvement to help you achieve your business goals is worth the discomfort that often accompanies the task. But in the end you will be rewarded in ways you do not yet realize.

The above information was put together with great care because we know the value of accurate and timely material.

It is to your very clear benefit that you have a sufficient grasp of this information. You have to realize that HD Wallpaper is a wide field of knowledge that requires your due diligence. Take care that your efforts are not hindered by your zeal to learn and then put into use.

Another thing, though, is that as you probably know very well; you can locate excellent related content that will be helpful. Each of the points covered will always have a sizable amount of background information that is an organic part of it.

Source: http://shotway.com/business-life-self-improvement-shifting-your-thought-patterns-4

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Why is financial planning important? | Business, financial and ...

successful personal financial planning is extremely important for anyone who wants to stay ahead of their finances.

Finance no doubt

staff is a difficult subject to grasp and understand fully, and for this reason an individual as a matter of fact is inclined to turn away from him, to build defenses in a effort to avoid understanding the effectiveness. However, with everything in life is free wage labor in your brave attempt to equalize by the same financial constraints. For many people, are your goals in the areas of finance to achieve financial freedom. With a well-developed financial plan is essential to the future prosperity of personal finance. To determine

The next action of personal financial planning, where you now, how, how much money you saved, until the value of your investment and what types of investments they are.

This plan will give you a plan guide you to achieve your goals, what products you should invest in the period for which you invest, taking into account your constraints like your attitude to risk. Blueprints like these you are on some great quick start methods, as you are beginning to offer better manage your finances today.

It is a reality that one of the biggest factors in personal debt that overuse, abuse and mistreatment is the credit card. However, if you come to such a position, do not despair if you consider your personal finances with a calendar, you can significantly reduce your liability in 3 easy steps. First, you can refinance your credit cards by the combination of your obligations or you can even negotiate your interest rate once again with your company credit card existing.

In a growing economy provides a further reduction, it is essential that you take a series of personal financial planning. They pay the bills you owe each month, and is therefore part of your routine of personal financial planning required. Note that you must try to buy anything ?for sale? for smart planning. Intelligent personal financial planning, the limit of the frequency that you eat in a restaurant to eat, or pay money for recreation. For this reason, the acquisition of traditional approaches with your financial planning now, you can even set aside emergency funds, which will support your family if times are demanding.

Times you a clear picture of where you are today, your personal financial planning project to the next level, namely the decision of where you want to be you, and how get there. The difficulty is that most people compare personal finance budgeting with the victims. Configure your exploits on personal financial planning free you to work more satisfying and financially viable recycling, and you will be one of the most prolific investors in the world in record time. Advanced the debt management strategy -. Watch your interest rates when economic uncertainty is given interest rates are on the horizon the first to respond decisively to return control of debt

In summary, therefore, to circumvent the problem and why financial planning is the key address when jobs are increasingly unstable, personal financial planning is more important than ever before, and the sooner you start getting your finances in order, the better.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2119963

Source: http://www.orcoop.org/financial-planning/why-is-financial-planning-important.html

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